Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Save the Date: DC VegFest!

After a little investigating, I discovered that there is a VegFest in D.C. on September 11, 2010. I already have plans for that day, so now I am going to be torn about which event to attend. Chef Tal Ronin author of The Conscientious Cook (I've got this book on my night stand right now!) will be at the D.C. VegFest!

The D.C. VegFest is a FREE outdoor festival celebrating the very best of everything vegetarian in and around the nation's capital. There are so many reasons to choose a vegetarian diet—for our health, the planet, and animals—and Washington, D.C. offers wonderful opportunities to explore meatless cuisine. The DC VegFest has something for everyone to enjoy, so be sure to bring along your friends and family!

WHERE: University Yard at 2000 blk H St.
             N.W., Washington, D.C. 20052
WHEN: Saturday, September 11, 2010 
            12 p.m. to 6 p.m.

I also came across two great vegetarian sites for those of you in the Baltimore/DC area:


NOLA Veggie Fest

I wish I was going to New Orleans for my birthday this weekend! I would love to attend the 2nd Annual NOLA Veggie Fest. Plus New Orleans is just a fun town!  I never seen anything like this where I live near Baltimore, MD . I know Chicago, another one of my favorite cities, has a big Veggie Fest too!

The annual NOLA Veggie Fest promotes vegan and vegetarian food choices. The health benefits of a plant-based diet are well known. The Fest educates how these diet choices benefit the environment and about the cruelty of factory farms, the source of most animal products. Nola Veggie Fest will offer a variety of delicious food samples (Yum!) and also educational materials.  Bonus: One of my favorite organic and vegetarian companies, Amy's Kitchen is going to be there! 

Friday, January 1, 2010

Tip #9 -- Cardio! Cardio! Cardio!

Cardiovascular exercise does more for the health and physical appearance of the human body than any other form of exercise. You will never be able to see your tight, toned muscles, if they are lying under a layer of fat. In general, people who want to lose weight should workout cardiovascular for 20-40 minutes 4-6 times each week. There are countless options for cardiovascular exercise including walking, hiking, jogging, running, biking, swimming, elliptical cross training, dancing, aerobics classes, step aerobics, cardio kickboxing, etc. Learn how much and what type of cardio is right for you. Then refer to Tip #1, and do it consistently and persistently!

Tip #8 -- Keep an Eye on Your Heart Rate

When doing aerobic or cardiovascular exercise, keeping your heart rate inside your target heart rate zone will help you burn calories most efficiently and optimize the benefits for your heart and lungs. Dropping below your target heart rate will not burn nearly as many fat calories, and going above your target heart rate may lead to muscle breakdown. Most modern treadmills, bikes, and elliptical cross trainers have heart rate monitors built in for easy tracking. Other options include purchasing a personal heart rate monitor (see or your local sporting goods store) or manually taking your pulse (count the number of beats for 6 seconds then multiply by 10 to get your heart rate).