Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tip #2 -- Write Your Goals Down and Focus on Them Daily!

It’s extremely hard to get anywhere specific, if you don’t know where you are going. Set precise and detailed goals, and write them down! Committing your goals to paper is a crucial step for permanent weight loss. Describe exactly how you will look and feel. Be specific. What will your calves look like, your thighs, your butt, your hips, your lower back, your waist, your chest, your upper back, your shoulders, your arms, your neck and your face? You cannot achieve your perfect body, if you don't have a clue what the perfect body means to you. Find an old photo of you from a time when you were happy with your weight and focus on that, or cut pictures from magazines of what you want your body to look when you reach your goals. Take time each day to focus on your goals. Visualize what you will look like when you reach your goals. Think about how good you will feel once you achieve your goals. Think about what others will say, and what you will say to yourself! Stay focused and positive! Quickly delete any negative thoughts or images that may enter into your mind throughout your day.

I'd love to hear about your fitness, weight-loss or other health-related goals.  Please feel free to share!

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